Events and Covid-19: from offline to online and back, or not?
The health emergency stemming from the spread of Covid-19 has altered the habits of all of us, in every sphere, from personal life to work.
Articles, insights and thoughts about Digital Marketing and Digital Product Design.
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The health emergency stemming from the spread of Covid-19 has altered the habits of all of us, in every sphere, from personal life to work.
In the past few days, an American case has further deepened the reflection on influencer marketing and the role of children in this field. Let us see what happened and conduct a brief analysis of the data in this story.
Since the end of November 2019, AND EMILI has landed on TikTok, the Chinese social network loved by millions of youngsters, including Italians.
On January 26, in the Italian region Emilia-Romagna, people voted for the renewal of the President and of the Regional Council; the outcome is known and confirmed the reelection of the outgoing Governor.
How it all began